Hi all,
Excited to share with everyone this new digital space, a metaverse inspired digital office and open space to experiment within. To explore this space we have a new Richter Engineer avatar which we can control via a combination of mocap and VR, enabling us to show to the world what we are up to and also experience the space stereoscopically and at 1:1 scale. This anthropomorphic relationship with the digital helps people come along for the journey and assists anchoring the space in reality without the infinite directions you can take digital content becoming daunting.
We intend to use the space for a myriad of things moving forward as we explore the new possibilities it opens up to us. One of our main drivers was to enable us to break away completely from the traditional ways of working and see what we could achieve by embracing the digital unknown completely. We will be posting a combination of promotional, narrative and engineering dev posts from the space.
Keep an eye out for future posts as we unveil the developments of the new tools, we will be developing for working natively in 3D for the whole engineering process. Abandoning the 2D paper based workflows that have been digitized. Looking to beat our own records in turn around times of whole design packages in Temporary Works. for the benefit of our clients.
If anyone is missing Charlie, he will be back soon, he's at the shop getting his meshing optimised for the real time rendered space. :)